Signs a Shy Girl Likes You But is Trying Not to Show It

Sometimes it becomes very hard to understand shy girls especially when it comes to issues to do with the heart.

Thus, unlike people with more extroverted tendencies they do not necessarily have to share what they feel and thus even if they are interested in someone they will not necessarily immediately show that.

But still, there are certain symptoms and actions that a person demonstrates, and they can tell how they really feel. If you are wondering about how to tell if a shy girl likes you but is afraid to show it then use the following tips as your guide.

1. It’s also perfectly clear from her body language

The use of hands is very vital in the realization of attraction and especially for the shy girls who tend to hide there feelings. If they don’t, it will provide enough hints so that the other will freely express interest even if they may not admit.

a. Frequent Glances

There are chances that if she is try to take things low profile, she would sneak a peak at you when you are not aware of it.

If you find her stealing glances at you and she quickly shifts her attention somewhere else it is likely that she has been drawn in but is shy.

b. Nervous Fidgeting

Shy girls can be easily intimidated and therefore when they are close to you, you can see them fidget since they feel happy to be close to you.

These are the minor signs where a wife will play with her hair, touch her face, adjust her clothes, and all these are signs that depict her nervousness in your company.

c. Closed Body Language

That is why if a girl looks more reserved, a shy girl may cross arms or stand with a more closed position not because she has no interest,

but because she is trying to protect the feelings that she has. She may feel weakened or do not know what to do around you.

2. She’s Awkward Around You

Due to for example being shy, some girls or ladies may lack the ability to express what they feel hence may make things become rather awkward. Nevertheless, while outgoing girls may like to bubble or even flirt, the girls can be shy.

a. Struggles with Conversation

A shy person is always conscious of the impression he or she is creating and if shes like you, chances are she may find it difficult to keep the conversation going without some hitches.

Sometimes you might have noticed that she failed to perfectly say her words when speaking to you as she could stammer,

pause or whatever we call it when one looses focus when speaking. It even made her look awkward with people even though she was normally very composed around them.

b. Unintentional Silence

To some extent she may want to say something to you but she has always been shy thus makes her mute. It may be some time you meet her, there could be long periods when she says nothing, not because she doesn’t like your company, but because she can’t find what to say or how to behave.

c. Blushing

Shy girls have red cheeks most of the time or whenever they are uncomfortable or have said something embarrassing. If you found that her cheeks become red when she is talking to you or when you are complimenting her then that means she is trying to avoid expressing her feelings.

3. She avoids you – but not in the way that you think

This is why when a shy girl starts avoiding you it might not necessarily mean that she’s not interested in you.

This particularly applies with shy people who avoid all those they like for fear of being embarrassed or turning down in some cases.

a. Avoids Direct Contact

For instance, she might never have a direct conversation or make an eye contact with you most of the times. He may still come around occasionally looking to remain in your field of vision but without aim to speak to you.

b. beyonce – keeps her distance, but stays close

It may be she can sit or stand opposite you at a distance that gives her a view of noninterest but a strategic position to watch your every move.

Such behavior may point that she likes to be accompanied by your presence though she lacks courage to show her feeling.

c. Plans with You Rather than for You

Rather than coming out right out ask you to hang out with her she may go to the areas where she thinks you are likely to be or participate in activities you are in.

It is her way of coming near you without the awkwardness of having to talk to you or engage in a one on one communication.

4. There are subtle ways in which she loves

Ladies who are not forward usually use as an opportunity to show feeling through signs. Since they will not like being associated with garily behaviors such as hugging or even flirting, they will express interest subtly.

a. Remembers Small Details

If a shy girl has a fancy for a particular guy she will try to remember some of the things you have once discussed perhaps your favorite coffee,

hobby or something that might be happening in your life. She may shock you by including these details in subsequent conversations.

b. Promises to Assistance You

She may give you help with things, although possibly in a subtle manner. These are in a form of sharing notes with her colleagues,

assisting in a particular project or even offering advice which, to her, are means of communication when she cannot directly show how she feels.

5. The Ladies Not only Help her but also Mediates for her

This is where a shy girl gets a friend to say what she feels but cannot because of shyness we all know how it works. Her friends will always know her feelings & might as well try to set her & you up with out been more forceful about it.

a. Friends Drop Hints

Her friends may sometimes make general comments about how she feels for example they may make comments that teasing her when you are near or may even advise her to go near you. They also might allow themselves to reveal some signs that she may be attracted to you.

b. Group Hangouts

She will probably not be direct and straightforward and ask you out on a date, she will rather invite you out with friends where she will be present.

There is a way she can be in your company without the intensity of one-on- one time, all her friends are also there to make her to calm down.

c. Friends Measure Your Level of Interest

Sometimes her friends might ask you things like how you feel about her, whether you like her or not in a bid to know your status.

So, if you see this happening then this is a good indication that she likes you, albeit not quite ready to tell it to your face.

6. She is able to text fluent but stammer on the spotinput .

Girls who are on the shy side prefer using text or even using messages on the phone as compared to talking to the user directly.

It provides them with time into coming up with their best answers and at the same time, averts the interactive confrontation of face-to-face communication.

a. More Open in Texts

You may realise that she is more flirtatious, playful or talkative while texting than when you are face to face with her.

This is because texting enables her to communicate her feelings without having to worry about live interactions’ effects.

b. It may take some time to receive a reply

At times, she might take long to reply your text messages but her reply is well, though, and full of meaning.

This suggest that she is deliberating on what to speak concerning the matters especially if she has a crush on you but she is webcam.

c. Does not use many Emojis or is only Flirting

An insecure girl who likes you will prefer not to show her affection openly; she will not send flirtatious text messages or too many emojis.

She may chose to write a very humble message or write very general things that won’t open her up for more probing questions.

7. This means that she will start showing concern

It turns out that a shy girl will not speak of her feelings in the first place, but will interact with things you are interested in.

a. Talks About His Or Her Own Interests

For instance, she may tell you about her favourite programs and ask you about yours even if she has not a clue concerning whatever it is that interests you.

As simple as it may sound, that is how she attempts to indicate interest and therefore make an attempt at talking to you.

b. Tries Your Interests

This is especially the case if you realize she’s engaged in activities that you cherish since this is likely to indicate that she wants to establish a connection with you.

This might include watching shows that you like, listening to music that you like or doing activities that you said that you enjoy doing.

c. Compliments Your Skills

Although it might not be very loud or in a very shoving manner, shy girls might not be very expressive with their words when complimenting you and if she finds it appropriate to infuse some praises when she is around you it will definitely be so in a shy manner.

Wrapping Up: Getting to know the Signals

How to tell that a shy girl has a thing for you can be very challenging, but gaining an understanding of her nonverbal cues,

action and words will give you a clue. In fact, although she may not directly come out to tell somebody how they feel,

her actions would keep on telling the person every now and then. If you care for her, then simply waiting and giving her a non-threatening, non-high pressure environment will make her reveal what is in her heart.

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