Signs a Shy Girl Likes You Body Language

Absolutely! Well, if you wish to know about some signals that a shy girl may exhibit when she is interested in you, then it’s the matter of body language that plays a major role here.

Here’s a detailed look at various body language cues to watch for:Here’s a detailed look at various body language cues to watch for:

1. Frequent Glances

A shy girl who likes you might look the other way although her eyes will occasionally shift your way.

She has eye-contact with you and may even smile at you but the moment you turn to smile back at her, she turns away.

This is normally an indication that she has a liking for you and is shy to make direct eye contact with you.

2. Nervous Gestures

One should try and find out whether an either is nervous or not, whether s/he is defensive, etc.

She might twirl her hair, touch her clothes or manipulate some piece of jewelry every time she sees you.

These postures may be involuntary and will point to her feeling uncomfortable or simply getting uncomfortable or even excited around you.

3. Mirroring Your Actions

One of the signs that people give without much thought is mirroring, and it means that there is an attraction.

In your case, that means if she mimics your gestures or posture then that means she is feeling the same.

This can range from mimicking other people’s body movements as well as speaking in the same way.

4. Physical Proximity

The quiet girl who has developed a liking for you may even follow your presence especially when she is not very talkative.

She may sit next to you or hover near you during group discussion or in whatever gathering you are both in.

When she wants to be physically close that is a sure sign of interest.

5. Subtle Touches

Listen relevant minor contacts or unintended contact between individuals. She could lightly touch you, or invent an excuse to touch your hand or arm or your shoulder for instance.

These are mostly gestures that might be quick or may not last for so long; she might want to talk to you without really talking.

6. Smiling and Laughing

Where she gives a rather hearty laugh to whatever joke you have given her or simply just a smile, could be the sign she is interested in you.

On this basis, it can be concluded that the smile and laughter used by shy people in the presence of familiar peers are a nonverbal sign of positive affect or positive attitude deriving from liking.

7. Blushing

Blushing is one of the signs of a person being interested in another person or has a crush on someone.

If you realize that she blushes each time she is close to you and she seems otherwise embarrassed then there are chances that she has feelings for you.

8. Shy Touch with or without Eye Contact

She may have problems in making eye contact, she may look the other way round or look downwards when being spoke to.

It could mean that she is shy, and. feels attracted to you, or it could be that she is just knotty when making direct eye contacts.

9. Engaging in Conversation

If she is the kind of woman who is shy, but she will break the ice and even engage one in a conversation.

She might ask questions and try to get you engaged in a conversation or she may look for opinions and things to talk with a man.

10. Special Attention

Pay attention if she uses your name often or think of some conversation that the two of you once had.

This means that she has heard what you have to say and she respects your opinion, this is easy way to tell if she is interested in you.

11. Nervous Laughter or Stammering

When communicating with you she can blush, or stutter. This may be an indication that she is comfortable being around you or rather she is excited or even nervous around you but has feelings for you.

12. Sharing Personal Space

A shy girl may not want to invite anyone into her personal space and that is why she might be selective. If she is fine with being around you or else close to you then it’s good.

13. Seeking Your Approval

In fact, she might depend on your affirmative input or recognition in some more or less concealed manners.

This situation can involve seeking your opinion regarding her ideas or accomplishments or even trying to build your approval.

14. Changing Behavior Around You

This may be true if you realized that she has changed her behavior when with you than when she is with other people.

It may have been even more apparent when she would try to be polite, pay attention or be interested in something.

15. Small Compliments or Remarks

A bashful girl may say some few things to you showing that she has kept attention on you and that you matter to her.

These could be considered as subtle in comparison to what one would say if he/she is more extroverted.


Reading signs may not be very easy especially for shy candidates because they do not show their feelings as vividly as other people.

You should not take her actions and words in isolation while trying to determine whether she likes you or not.

If need be, one can learn to observe her closely as well as wait and be keen on what she is saying so as to fully understand how she feels.

Please bear in mind that there is no better method of ensuring that you find out what someone is feeling than asking them.

If that is the case then it might be helpful to seek a proper way of voicing your own feelings and emotions and then observe the reaction of the woman.

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  1. Pingback: 10 Ways To Tell If A Boy Is Shy But Likes You

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