11 Signs A Shy Girl Is Crushing On You But Won’t Admit It

11 Signs A Shy Girl Is Crushing On You But Won’t Admit It Crushes may be very difficult to interpret especially if the affected individual is an introvert by nature.

A shy girl is gonna hide it, but indeed there is corresponding signs that will show that she has feelings for someone.

Knowing about these signs means you can tell if she’s interested in you sexually, even if she is too shy to come out and tell you.

As much as many would love to hear the explicit confession from a shy girl that she has a thing for you here are eleven signs she is crushing on you but is shy to tell you.

1. She B lk s at Y ou

A shy girl does not walk around with her eyes closed, she is just too shy to make prolonged eye contact but she watches you.

From time to time, she may even give you the ‘eye’, whenever she believes you’re not noticing.

All of these quick looks can occur when; …in a classroom, at the workplace or even at a party.

The timing of the stare is very important; she will quickly look away as soon as you arrive especially if she feels she has been caught in a compromising position.

Eye contact is one of the most evident signs that a woman likes a man but because of shyness she will not be very explicit.

2. This translates as literally meaning She blushes when you are there.

Blushing is an automatic response and cannot be resisted easily especially if the person is shy.

Red cheeks become an obvious sign of her blushing whenever is around you or when you are talking to her and this shows that she is experiencing something other than friendship.

It is usually close up — like, when you are right next to her at a party, in the corridor, or making small talk at the coffee place.

The locale and/or the timing of your talks may aggravate her nervousness thereby making her to blush even more.

3. She Fidgets Nervously

Shy people usually get them selves nervous and this they express through fidgeting.

This shows that no matter the position she twists her hair, clicks her fingers, or tweak her clothes she is distressed.

Such fidgeting usually occurs when she is around you because the feeling of nervousness increases when she is with you.

In these moments, focus on her’s nonverbal cues, since they will reveal much about her feelings towards him.

4. That’s the reason why she behaves differently and I am so close to her.

Shy girl will not be the same person to you as she is to other people around her or the other way round.

This could mean she is less talkative,she will rarely speak or she is loquacious depending on the way shyness affects her.

For example, if you are all in a group setting such as a park, a café or during group project at school, observe how she is when you are around.

When these behaviors transition to a new pattern, Timing of these behavior shifts can reveal about her state of mind.

5. One of the cute things that a girl can say is She tries to be near you.

A girl with a crush may feel too shy even to start a conversation with you but she will definitely look for any reason to get close to you.

She may sit next to you in the classroom, stand next to you at a function or look for every opportunity to be in the same vicinity as you.

It is only important to observe when and how often these incidents happen.If she always stands next to you it presumably means that she wants to be closer to you but she is too shy to start a conversation herself.

6. She Laughs at Your Jokes, Even WhenThey Are Not Funny

A feminine and teenage girl who has a secret liking for you will just laugh whenever you say somethingFunny that is not that funny.

It is a testimony that even though she doesn’t want to have deep conversations with you, she still laughs at your jokes.

Its manifestations are commonly observed in group situations – for instance, while hanging out with friends, at a party or even at school.

Through placing where and when she thinks it is funny she is trying to gain attention from you.

7. She Compliments You Subtly

They are not very expressive with compliment, but if they like something about you, they will definitely not hide it.

She could tell you liked your outfit you’re wearing, your hair or even the jokes you cracked but she did it in a casual manner.

These compliments are mostly given in situations where the person giving them is not in a position of authority and where the lady receiving the compliments is relaxed and at ease;

for instance when they are taking a break at their working place, walking together on the college or university compound or any other place that they are comfortable with.

The circumstances in which she can make her feel comfortable enough to verbalize her feelings of admiration even though in a very subtle way.

8. She makes all sorts of chances just to get to speak to you.

Unlike a very quiet girl who will not be very forward when it comes to talking to you she will look for ways to engage you in a conversation.

Such interactions may be in a form of a day-to-day request, for instance, asking for assistance in doing a trivial task or even passing a comment on the weather.

The way to accomplish this is to pay attention to how often such ‘random’ discussions do take place.

If she has been making up excuses to talk to you; whether it’s in your workplace, during a class break or any other occasion then you are safe to assume that she has feelings for you but she lacks the courage to express herself.

9. One way or the other she gets curious with what you like.

A girl who fancies you is likely to be taking a interest on things you are interested in even though they may not be something she will usually take an interest in.

It can be a question related to your favorite sports team, comments about the hobby you have shared or simple curiosity about a movie as far as you are interested in.

Though this interest is usually not extended in heavy discussion or formal setting; instead, it can be extended while walking in a park, having a cup of coffee or even through text messages.

The time and circumstances that she spends to get to interact with you will demonstrate her interest in intimate advancements towards you.

10. Remember people’s small details by fixing them in your memory so that you can easily recall them in the future.

Shy girls are very good listeners, and they will remind the small details about you that no one else will even pay attention to.

She might remember you like a certain colour, or a certain food, or a joke you made one day that she never really forgot.

This is normally most seen when she has an opportunity to bring up those memories unconsciously for example during a conversation at a café, while planning or even in a group setting if the topic of interest comes up.

The time this she will make these details tells how interested she is and effort made to let you know she has been observing.

11. It makes her Jealous when she sees other Girls hanging around you

A shy girl may not say she jealous but she can show it in a round about way. She might get submissive when other girls are around and you or she may completely avoid a conversation.

It becomes more evident when people are jovial—on partying, gathering or during a hangout or even as colleagues at the work place.

It gets worse when the reactions come at the wrong time; if she appears to be aloof when you are dealing with other girls, she is jealous even if she is not willing to admit it.


Besides, girls especially shy ones will not be very expressive, so from such signs, you can better understand if she has a crush on you or not.

The stolen looks, blushing, followed afterward and even the compliments, and the jealousy, are a clear reflection of what she really feels.

If you observe several of these signs, being most probably she is interested on you but she is shy to express it.

You can try to decipher these signals in order to avoid compromising her and, maybe, force her to share her emotions.

1 thought on “11 Signs A Shy Girl Is Crushing On You But Won’t Admit It”

  1. Pingback: 10 Ways To Tell If A Boy Is Shy But Likes You

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