15 Creative Ways to Rekindle Romance

15 Creative Ways to Rekindle Romance So, there are a number of ways, which illustrate that the fire in relations may fade away gradually in every partnership.

The cares of life, the challenges, the hustle and bustle of everyday life maybe the reasons that the passion that used to thrive in your relationship is lost.

But the good news is that reigniting that spark can be a process that brings the two of you not only closer together, but to new and interesting parts of your lives that you may have never discovered otherwise.

Below, 15 clever ways to kindle that flame and bring you closer together, whether you’ve been married for two years or twenty.

1. How about Planning a Spur of the moment Date Night

Surprise date night is one of the easiest methods that couples can use to reignite their relationships.

Rather making those usual plans and schedules, make an effort to plan something informal and new.

This could be as fancy as taking your partner for a weekend break to a cosy country inn or as basic as revisiting the place where the two of you met for the first time.

The important aspect is in the concept of an element of surprise and that always leads to quite an exciting and intriguing thing.

Schedule this for a weekend so that both of you do not lose interest halfway through due to other chores that might be at hand.

Location Tip: If possible look for some activities that can be done in a city, but are not very well known such as rooftop bars, secret garden or museums that both of you have not been to yet.

2. Revisit a Special Place

Every couple has locations which are of sentimental value, maybe the place that you both first me or the place where you proposed to your girlfriend or the beach where you both spent this summer etc.

The places you might have visited will make you both to have a nostalgic feeling, thus giving you a reminder of the things you have been through together.

You should therefore ensure that you pick a time when the place is least crowded so that the two of you can have each other’s company fully.

Timing Tip: Visiting the partner in the morning or in the evening will offer the couple a better chance to be together and have some intimate time together.

3. Cook a Meal Together

Studying a wonderful way to form friendships; it is also actually quite romantic to cook together.

Both of you should pick a recipe that the two of you have never tackled before, make a list of all the things you need to prepare the dish and cook it, and then do it together.

The common chore of cooking together, of washing and peeling carrots, seasoning and fuling meat, stirring gravies and soups, and finally, sipping on the sauces and gravies, often come with a lot of fun and frolic and live in conversation.

Location Tip: To make it even more special you could try preparing the food outside: maybe grill some food in your backyard or have a picnic at the nearby park.

4. Take a Digital Detox

With so many people running around nowadays it is possible to see that managing time has become a difficult task, thanks to social networks, e mails, etc.

To really get back to the basics of properly connecting you might want to think of going on a technology detox together.

Spend some time together and decide on a day, or a weekend, or maybe a week where you both are going to stay away from the screens.

This is a good opportunity to make sure you’re really present with each other as opposed to just being physically present together while staring at screens.

Timing Tip: Timing The best time you should consider taking your digital detox is during the weekend or during your holiday break and not during working days.

5. Write Love Letters

With the ever growing phenomena of texting and emailing, sending love letters is actually a thing of the past. However, there is something very romantic in being able to take a pen and on a piece of paper write what you feel.

Spend time to write each other little notes, and in them recall the story that you’ve been through together, your love, and your future plans.

Then, exchange these letters in a calm and quite manner especially where there are no many people.

Location Tip: Somewhere comforting, preferably, your home in the living room, bedroom, or any other café’s hidden corner will be suitable for it.

6. Create a Memory Jar

It will be advisable, therefore, to consider using a memory jar because it is one of the best ways of celebrating your relationship.

I personally like a huge vase and it is necessary to fill it with the pieces of paper which symbolize the special days spent.

These could be tickets of concerts or shows, photos or just pieces of paper on which we wrote a few words about some important day for us.

Always, if you wish to recall the days and feel the fondness over and over, go through the notes in the jar.

Timing Tip: Take time out and look at the trinkets keenly and come up with notes to write and place in the jar.

7. Dance Together

Dance is one of the most powerful means of physical and even emotion communication.

Whether you are graceful on the dance floor or not you can always get back in step with your partner and passion and affection.

You don’t need to go out to a club or a dance hall;Sometimes you don’t have to go grab a tab, you just need to rearrange your living room and put on your favorite slow tune.

Location Tip: If you want to level it up, consider taking a dance class together; be it salsa, ballroom or even a swing dance class.

8. Plan a Staycation

It is not always necessary to search for the romance in other countries or other continents, it may be present nearby.

Staycation is a form of holiday where you get to spend your vacation enjoying all the facilities which are in your town.

Try to get a hotel room for one or two days and sit out and eat from the hotel even if you are in your home state.

This can in fact become a regular change in which cases, one can be in a position to notice changes in the other and create new memories.

Timing Tip: Try to get the promotional fares or the cheaper times where the hotel is not very crowded, this is to ensure that you are not compromising on your time.

9. You could also build a new hobby for both of you.

Common interest can make your relationship more solid, and doing something that you both find interesting and have not tried it before is a good way of spicing up the relationship.

It can be painting, gardening, taking a walk, or learning a new language; any new thing you find out together will make you become closer.

Select a new interest that has not been explored before and then learn and do it together at a certain frequency.

Location Tip: If possible, it is best to select your hobby which could be done under the sun or in the open air where you can also get to enjoy the beauties of nature and fresh air.

10. Have a Movie Marathon

Sharing a movie is a very romantic way, because watching a film one gets transferred to another universe.

A perfect date idea is watching a movie at home that you both love; alternatively, you could build a script with movies which you both have not seen before,

but which match your preferences: comedy, the classics or the movies, which you used to watch together on a date when you had been dating only for several weeks.

Spread blankets, and pillows, and have your favorite food and drinks ready and spend the day or night together.

Timing Tip: Ideally, find the right time when there will be no interferences such as when you have got the whole day and you want to do some shopping.

11. Take a Scenic Drive

In some cases, you only need to go for a ride and mostly a picturesque one to make a change.

It is very important to know the notion to have a few hours driving a beautiful rout, that can be a coast, mountains or countryside.

It can be as entertaining as just the conversation you get to have, the laughs that you share and the appreciation of beauty in the world.

Location Tip: Take food with you and make a small break and sit along a fine pleasant and serene place.

12. Recreate Your Wedding Night

Honestly, if one is married, re-enacting or recreating the wedding night is one of the most romantic things that one can ever think of.

he sure can recreate the setting by going back to the same hotel or staying in and recreating that moment.

Cook a lovely dinner and wear the clothes you wore on that night, pull out your wedding album and watch the wedding video or listen to your favorite love songs.

Timing Tip: It is best to use this type of experience when picking an anniversary or a special date in your relationship.

13. Being true to your couple officially forces two couples to go on a Double Date.

At other occasions, the time that you spend with other couples changes the dynamics of the relationship.

Schedule a friendly meeting with those who also have the same hobbies as both of you, this way you’ll create a double date.

Whether it is a dinner with friends, game night or a trip with friends the social interaction can make you get out of your normal relationship mindset and see your partner in a new light like how you fell for them.

Location Tip: Select a place where you all are ready to have the company of friends as well as each other in a jovial environment.

14. Start a Gratitude Journal

Gratitude is one way through which can help to improve the relations between persons.

Try beginning a shared gratitude practice where each of you write in a notebook things you like about your partner and the relationship.

This simple practice can help direct your attention from the pressures of life to the positive aspects of the relationship thus reminding you of why you loved your partner in the first instance.

Timing Tip: Introduce it as a practice where one goes through the list before going to bed thus making it a joyful way of closing the day.

15. Let’s Watch the Walk Through the Years

Lastly spend a few minutes reviewing the history of your relationship as partners. Look through the pictures that were taken in the early months of your relationship, watch some videos or simply read the messages or emails each of you sent to one another at the beginning of the relationship. Looking at the progress made will also make the couple remember why they fell in love in the first place

Location Tip: Try to go to places where the two of you shared a lot of time only at the beginning of your relationships – the apartment where you two lived at the initial stages of the relationships, the cafes where you used to spend time, the park where you used to have a talk.


There are no rule that love making has to be lavish and costly all the time. It is about spending time together, cherishing each other and building brand new experiences in relationships.

The good thing is that you can test out these 15 creative tips and keep the fire burning in your relationship and maintain a healthy loving relationship.

No matter whether the couple is visiting places where they used to spend time together earlier, they are trying new activities for the couple, going out for dinner, or watching movies, the main secret is to remain close.

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