10 Ways To Tell If A Boy Is Shy But Likes You

5. He Compliments You in an Indirect or Subtle Wayrs

If he’s more nervous, quieter, or even awkward around you but behaves confidently with other people, it’s likely because he feels the pressure of his attraction. His change in behavior is a sign that he sees you differently.

7. He Tries to Make You Laugh

Humor is often a way for shy boys to break the ice and connect with someone they like. If he’s cracking jokes around you or subtly trying to make you smile, it’s a clear sign he’s interested but too shy to come out and say it directly.

8. He Mirrors Your Actions or Behavior

Mirroring is a common sign of attraction, even among shy boys. If you notice that he subtly copies your posture, gestures, or even your tone of voice, it’s a subconscious way of building rapport and showing he’s in sync with you.

9. He Takes His Time to Reply to Your Messages, But They Are Thoughtful

When texting, a shy boy might take longer to respond because he’s overthinking his replies. However, when he does respond, his messages are thoughtful, considerate, and often carry more depth than a casual conversation.

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10. His Friends Tease Him When You’re Around

Pay attention to how his friends behave when you’re nearby. If they start teasing him, laughing, or nudging him when you come close, it could mean they know he likes you. Shy boys often confide in their friends, who may drop hints through their teasing.


While shy boys might not be as direct in expressing their feelings, their body language, subtle actions, and behavior changes can give away their interest. The key is to be patient and observant. If he’s showing several of these signs, chances are he likes you but is too shy to make the first move. Creating a comfortable environment for him to open up might encourage him to be more confident in expressing his feelings.


1. How should I approach a shy boy if I think he likes me?
Start by being friendly and approachable. Give him opportunities to talk and open up without pressuring him. Patience is key with shy boys.

2. Can shy boys eventually become more confident around someone they like?
Yes! Once they feel more comfortable and secure, shy boys can become more confident in expressing their feelings.

3. Should I make the first move if I think he’s shy?
If you feel confident about his interest, making a subtle first move, like inviting him for a casual hangout, could help break the ice.

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